Best Ayurveda Rejuvenation Therapy Kerala
Rasayana Chikitsa, or rejuvenation therapy, is often synonymous with rebirth, revitalisation, and eradication of previous disorders. Aside from decontaminating the body, it also affects the mind and spirit.
From macro to micro, Rasayana refers to nutrition at all levels. Rasayana therapy replenishes the body's fluids, boosts the Ojas (life force), and prevents ageing by increasing the immune system. Rasayana remedy restores Rasadhatu to normal and maintains the equilibrium of other dhatus (body tissues). In vayasthapana (geriatric care), improved nutrition prevents ageing.
Kerala Ayurveda Rejuvenation Therapy Benefits
Ayurveda rejuvenation therapy in Kerala will make you feel younger and energetic. Also, improve your skin, improve your sleep, improve your ability to concentrate and remember, strengthen your voice, and improve the function of your sense organs, such as your eyes, noses, tongues, ears, and sexual organs. Also, the body can resist common diseases more effectively, increasing strength and calming the mind as a result.
Rebuild your body by taking part in this program
Ayurveda's primary objective is to maintain health and cure disease.
In Ayurveda, rejuvenation is restoring the body's vitality through herbs, food, or activity. It promotes youth and cures the disease. In ancient India, Rasayana was used by people who lived over 100 years to keep themselves physically and mentally fit and maintain youthfulness. It can help maintain youth and keep them physically and mentally fit if taken properly.
For Whom
Stress, insomnia, shallow breath, rough and dry skin, lack of appetite, concentration problems, vague memories, chronic digestion problems, constipation, migraines, and obesity are among the many issues people suffer from. Further, Rasayana, also known as a rejuvenation therapy, is independent of one's physical health. Instead, it results in increased vitality and a youthful body as a result of this therapy.
How many days?
We offer 7-14, 21-28, and 42-day Ayurvedic rejuvenation therapies at Sattva Resort in Kerala.
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