The Ayurveda Treatments & Wellness Center Kerala

Sattva Ayurveda Wellness Center kakadampoyil, Kerala, offer the panchakarma therapy 


Panchkarma is one of the Ayurvedic purification therapies. The word 'Panch' means five, and the word 'Karma' means actions. It is literally translated as a set of five systematic actions used for body purification. It is used to restore balance to the aggravated doshas and to flush out the accumulated 'ama' toxins from the minute channels in the body to which they adhere. Panchkarma cleanses the body by using normal elimination modes such as the intestines, sweat glands, and urinary tract to eliminate disease-causing doshas and toxins.

The programmes included in this package are designed to restore the body's vigour and vitality by eliminating toxins and strengthening the body's immunity through anti-oxidant and prophylactic properties. The physician may recommend Panchakarma with other rejuvenation therapies based on the individual's constitution and needs.

The Five therapies of Panchkarma:-

Vamana – Emesis Therapy

For a few days, a patient receives inside and outside oleation and fomentation treatments, which include therapies and some ayurvedic medicines. Then, when the toxins melt and accumulate in the upper cavities of the body, the patient is given emetic medicines and a decoction. This causes vomiting & aids in the removal of poisons from the body's tissues. Vaman treatment is especially recommended for Kapha-dominant conditions like weight gain, asthma, and hyperacidity.

Virechan – Purgation Therapy

Toxins are purgeable or disposed of in virechan by clearing the bowels. Inside and outside oleation and fomentation treatments are also administered to the patient during this treatment. From then on, the patient is given a natural purgative to encourage gut clearing, which aids in removing toxins from the body. Virechan treatment is primarily used to treat pitta-dominant conditions such as herpes zoster, jaundice, colitis, celiac disease, etc.

Vasthy – Errhine Therapy

Ayurvedic Vasthys entails passing liquids such as medicated oils, herbal concoctions, and milk through the anus to clean or heal the lower part of the body.

Nasya – Theraputic Enema Therapy

This treatment is highly effective for clearing and purging the scalp. The head and shoulder areas are delicately massaged and fomented at the start of the treatment. Following that, nasal drops are administered in both nostrils. This cleans the entire head area and reduces various cerebral pain, headache, hair issues, sleep disorder, neurological disorders, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, and respiratory ailments.

Rakta Mokshana

This treatment is beneficial for blood purification and is effective against ailments caused by impure blood. It can be done in a specific area or throughout the body. This treatment is especially beneficial for various skin infections such as psoriasis and dermatitis, as well as local lesions such as abscesses and pigmentation.


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